Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Christmas Bows?

Good Morning and Happy Easter! No you are not dreaming....I said Christmas bows. Sandi over at Bella Creations posted a fabulous Christmas Bow Challenge. The due date is today and welllll I worked like and ELF to get them done!! Sorry my photo's are not the greatest  I should have redone them this morning but this Elf is tired and ready for some Easter fun!
If you missed out on the Bow Challenge there is still time to get in on my Christmas Card Challenge. It doesn't close until the end of the month.
With no further ado here are my bows. I hope they really BOW you over! hahahahahaha!!

Happy Easter!


Alison said...

Oh wow! Your bows are just bowtiful :) Happy Easter Marie!

Lacee broyles said...

Well you have been super busy!!! Very cute!!!

Sandi McLean said...

These are marvelous bows! And didn't that work at the last minute get you a WIN! Hugs!