Now my family? I am an only child. My Mother? She is the baby of 14, YES 14. She was also a change of life baby so most of her brothers and sisters have passed on. Kinda weird that many of my aunts and uncles were the ages of most people's grandparents and kinda sad that I didn't get to know them all that well. With such a large family it's a little hard to remain close. We can't all get together at the same time and many of us have lost contact completely. There is also an age difference for me.Some of my first cousins are very close to my Mom's age, again a little weird but I have many cousins that I refer to as Aunt or Uncle.
Through Facebook I have recently reconnected to my cousin Lisa. She is my Aunt Alice's daughter whom I loved dearly. Sadly the one Aunt I spent the most time with and was very close too, passed when I was in my late teens. She was only in her 40's. I still have some issue with this. I spent every possible minute with her while she was sick and was with her when she passed. It haunts me still. She had an inoperable brain tumor and I will just say I have never seen anyone suffer the way she did and prey that I never do again.
Reconnecting with my cousin has brought back so many memories. Some good and some bad. I am so thankful to have reconnected with her though. It's like getting back a piece of myself that I didn't fully realize I lost. Lisa recently posted some old photo's and I wanted to share some of them.
This is my favorite. I love it. I of course never knew my aunt at this age and I think maybe she is about the age I was when I lost her. She looks so beautiful and at peace....I'm not sure what it is but this photo has brought me such comfort.

I have other photo's to share however today? I think I just want the spotlight to be on my dear Aunt Alice. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out.