I just pre-ordered Noel's new kit, Mill Street. I love, love, love the colors in this one!! If you haven't purchased one of Noel's Kit's before, believe me they are worth every penny. She PACKS them full of the latest and greatest plus there are always some unique goodies. Usually some candy too. lol Anyway, check it out
here. I can't wait to get mine.

On the swim front my daughter did as well as she could yesterday. The competition was STIFF!! There was a girl there that I swear will make it to the Olympics! I wish I had it on video. This little girls legs were like propellers. It was if she were on TOP of the water and not in it. Too cool. My girl still did great though! She came in 3rd place in both Freestyle and Butterfly but Breast Stroke was where she really shined! She won by a landslide. I'm so proud of her. It was too dark for pictures and since you already know my history with that....I didn't dare use my flash! She has another meet in 2 weeks and I think that pool has skylights so I'll try again for pictures.
Hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend. I know I am glad to have today off! I'm working on birthday invitations. Sleepover invitations to be precise. Yes, I hate myself enough to have agreed to a Sleepover for 6. Should be fun. Snort.