OMG I have not blogged in over two months!! Where have I been? Well I spent about SEVEN WEEKS with a headache!! It started with an optical migraine where I lost my vision for about an hour and things just went downhill from there. I've been to the Neurologist, Cardiologist, ENT...well you get the picture. Apparently I had/have Sinusitis and that may have been triggering the migraines. The Dr's don't really seem sure. Either way I'm happy to say I have not had a headache for 5 days. That really puts me in the mood to celebrate the coming year!!! I'm sorry I don't have any scrappy goodness, cards or homemade decorations this year.I thought I would just share some photo's from the last few months. I can't wait to dive back into some crafting!! I guess I'll start where I left off. Fall. Kelsey fought it tooth and nail. I finally had to hide all her shorts! Here she is with her first big project for school. It's an all about me board. As some of you might already know. Halloween? For me it's right up there with Christmas. Not having carved pumpkins and a house full of company? Well it would be like Santa not showing up! I managed to get my pumpkins carved and I won't lie. It took a whole lotta pills to them done! That and Kelsey's help. She is actually able to carve now. That makes me both happy and sad. She is growing way too fast! Wait until you see birthday pictures! Goodbye October, hello November and try as I might,I just couldn't stop her from turning TEN!! We celebrated with a Swim Party at the YMCA. Can you even recognize her? She is in the center..and no she is not standing on a box. I think she grew a foot in the last two months!! Christmas Eve at our house...all set for Santa to come! Ahhhh Santa made it...this little girl was pretty relieved. She was not the best behaved girl right before Christmas!! Of course swimming did not wait on my headaches either. I missed a few swim meets and that made me pretty sad. I had not missed a meet since she started. She has qualified for Winter Jr. Olympics and Zones. I'm both proud and amazed by her. Here she is at her first swim meet as an Aqua Gem (that is the new team). I think it's safe to say she made a great first impression!I love that her new team mates are cheering her on. Cheering for her on the other end (while he is suppose to be timing!) in the orange shirt is my hubby. er
Soooo I say goodbye to 2010 and welcome a warm, happy and healthy 2011!!! I hope you all have a an amazing year!!