Here is my first DT project for
Pages In Time. They also have their own
Thursday Sketch Blog. If you like sketches check it out. I spent most of my weekend finding the surface of my scrap table but managed to get this page done. Funny that I spent half of Saturday cleaning my space and by cleaning I really mean moving massive piles of scrap stuff from one spot to the other. Speaking of which JESS, if I ever get it all together I have a nice little box of goodies for you! Anyway, after all the work I did to find the surface of my craft table? I brought my paper, picture, cutter, scissors and adhesive into the family room and sat on the floor and scrapped! I guess I don't need all that crap after all. Shhhhh though. Don't tell my hubby! The only thing I had to go back to the scrap room for were the letters, crepe paper and a single button. I worked on another page this morning but that is not photographed yet. Can I tell you?? NY is the new London. Rain, rain, rain!!!
I had to reverse the sketch it to make the sun work as a circle element but I think I stayed pretty true to the sketch this time. The dress my daughter is wearing is not a favorite of mine but I changed my thinking on that when I saw that it matched this paper. giggle. I used mostly all Jenni Bowling for this page and that makes me happy. I love her stuff but don't always have photo's to go with her paper or maybe I like it so much I just hoard it!!