Wow. Once again I have been MIA here on my blog. If I have any blog buddies left, I'm so sorry. We have been swimming in the new year!!! I think we have been to 4 Meets since my last post. At least I have tons of pic's to scrap and have even signed up for a crop!! WoooooHooooo!!!! I can't wait. If I ever get around to cleaning my scrap room I may even craft at home. Now there's a concept. If only I could find the table!!

Since I don't have any crafty projects I thought I would share some swim video's today. Here's my girl in her leg of a
here she is swimming a 25 Yard Breast and for a
photo finish a 25 Yard Butterfly.
I hope everyone is having a happy and prosperous new year so far!! Cheers. 2010 May it be happy and crafty!!